Hello. My name is MommaH and I am a HP (Harry Potter) geek.
I would love to live at Hogwarts.
I could teach...something.
I take various quizzes on HP stuff. Here's one: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mackenziekruvant/youre-a-wizard-harry
I'm a half-blood.
My dogs are named Tonks and Teddy. If you are a true HP fan, you'll get it.
I know it.
I can feel it.
I still cry when Dumbledoor/Dobby/Snape/Fred dies. Every time.
Anyhow, a few years ago I made a Harry Potter Quiet Book. Okay I made about 10. Don't judge. I like to sew. I like to create. I like little kids. It was a fun experience.
Because I sold or gave away the books I made, I took pictures of it. I just found the pictures. Since this blog is really just an easy way for me to find my favorite recipes and creations, I thought I would put them here. I hope you enjoy them. Maybe you'll even be inspired to make one of your own.
*spoiler alert*
I am making 2 or 3 quiet books for our church auction, church themed, and I will be posting pictures on a blog very soon. I do this so I can remember what the heck I did inspire others.